I found a product, Aloe-Papaya Drink by Ultimate living, which claims to aid in digestive health. I bought it for my boyfriend who frequently suffers from heartburn. It didn't cross my mind to purchase this product until I read the nutritional products testimonials on the Ultimate Living web site:
"Thanks for using your expert research to create such wonderful products. Since using your Aloe-Papaya juice, my heartburn is totally gone and my digestive system has improved."

Ultimate Living has combined the Aloe Vera juice and inner gel with organic papaya to formulate Aloe-Papaya drink. Aloe-Papaya delivers much needed energy to the immune system to cleanse, detoxify, heal and repair. All Aloe used for Ultimate Living's Aloe-Papaya juice is organically grown and certified for purity and content by the International Aloe Science Council. Not all Aloe products can make that claim.
After only about a week of using Ultimate Living's Aloe-Papaya drink my boyfriend has experienced a significant decrease in heartburn. I actually haven't heard him complain once, which used to be an almost nightly occurrence.
So, Amen to Aloe-Papaya. Now my boyfriend no longer suffers from heartburn and I no longer have to listen to the complain. :) Labels: aloe vera, aloe vera drinks, aloe vera nutritional supplement, heartburn cure, heartburn relief, heartburn remedy
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