Every one knows about the many health benefits that Aloe Vera has.
But do you know how to grow and use your own plant?
A warm welcome from Paraguay, South America.
In this land of sun and warm weather where the Aloe plant grows naturally.
* Can you imagine knowing how to make your own home remedies for many different ailments?
* How do you make a tea from the Aloe plant?
* Did you know, that you can make your own Aloe juice with a couple of oranges or lemons?
The answer to these questions you will find on this web site. And before I forget ...
"The astonishing results will speak for themselves without dishing out a big pile of money for medical attention."
As you read every word of this website you will become amazed how easy it is to grow Aloe and use it. Thanks to the many years of experimenting and researching I am able to give you important information.
Aloe Vera is one of the best natural skin remedy known to mankind.
My sons Alex and Dani (6 and 7 year olds) are fair skinned and a natural attraction to mosquitoes.
And if I don?t do something about it, the mosquitoes will eat them alive. So here comes mom with an Aloe leaf.
It works in two different ways. It helps to repel the insects when applied. And when they get insect bites it soothes the itching and heals very quickly.
You always should have an Aloe plant handy because in your daily life you get a little burn now and then.
Applying Aloe right away prevents inflammation, blistering and even prevents ugly scars.
You can apply Aloe when you get a burn...
? In the kitchen touching a hot coffee or tea kettle
? a splash of hot oil while frying
? a sunburn at the beach
? insect stings on a field trip
? or mosquito bites
Not limited only to skin problems, its valuable when taken internally for digestion problems. I like to eat ?asado? barbecue. But if I eat a little bit too much I get in upset stomach. So before I go to bed I mix a soothing Aloe Vera juice.
So if you have your own Aloe plants you can make your own home remedies. It?s simple and effective. You save money having your own products growing in your garden. It doesn?t take much, only loving care for your plants.
If you want to buy Aloe products you need to know for what you have to look.
There are many so-called Aloe products, that don't contain significant amounts of Aloe Vera.
How do you know you have an authentic aloe product?
You need to know...
? How to read labels correctly
? How to identify the best Aloe products on the market.
In the modern times we live in it is important to be informed in the best possible way. I have information and experiences I want to share with you.
Subscribers to my E-zine get first hand information. Subscribe to my E-zine to get the newest updates from the holistic health sector. I have some informational downloads for you if you subscribe now.
* Guide to grow Aloe Vera
* Aloe and Your Health
* And many more...
Just complete the simple form below ... Dr. Ernest Chupp (PhD in nutrition) and I (Delbert Chupp) are researching Aloe Vera for 15 years and we want to share our knowledge on this subject on this website. We live in Paraguay in South America. Our research we did mainly in the Paraguayan Chaco. It's an arid region were Aloe plants grow naturally.
Wishing you good health and happy researching,
The Aloe Vera Blog
The Aloe Vera Blog. The truth about Aloe Vera’s health benefits, how to grow it and how to use it. The Aloe Vera Plant Information
Important Facts about the Aloe Vera plant, You will find good advice and tips on how to grow, and maintain your own plants. Having your own plants can be a valuable treasure. Benefits of Aloe Vera
Benefits of Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has been used around the world for thousands of years. Learn about the many benefits of Aloe Vera, how they work and how they help with the healing process. Aloe Vera Juice and its Health benefits
The benefits of Aloe Vera juice are well known over the centuries. Since the dawn of mankind it has been used as a remedy applied externally as well as used internally. The Aloe Vera Research
Aloe Vera Research. The Aloe Vera research is done for many years. Aloe Vera was used thousands of years ago. Aloe Vera Skin Care
Aloe Vera Skin Care. The importance of Aloe Vera skin care is beyond measure. The skin is the largest organ of the body. Therefore we have to take good care of our skin. Home Remedies Book
Introducing an Easy Way how to make your own Powerful Home Remedies in this remedies book. Healthy Eating Habits
Can you imagine what our ancestors had to do to gather enough food for themselves and their families? What healthy eating habits did they have? We are talking a hundred to thousands years back. The Aloe Toolbox
Aloe Toolbox; what in the world is that? Well, just keep on reading and you will find out! I will present to you the most valuable tool this box has. Aloe Vera Store
My Aloe Vera Store. While I browse the natural health niche on the internet I find interesting resources. About Me
About Me. I am Delbert Chupp living in Paraguay, South America. Contact Me
Contact Me. If you have any comments or questions on aloe vera please contact me. Recommended Links
Recommended Links. On this page I recommend websites that contain valuable information. For any comment, don’t hesitate to contact me. Health Information
Your source of high value health information. Thank you for your interest in aloe-vera-advice.com La Planta de Aloe Vera
Las propiedades de la planta de Aloe y consejos como cultivarla y cuidarla. Si la tienes puedes preparar remedios caseros.
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