Did you know that an Aloe Vera plant stays alive for weeks without water and soil?
But Let me tell You ...
It was one day in the very hot summer season I was cleaning out the weeds in my backyard.
I accidentally pulled out an Aloe plant which was growing among the weeds. It was a nice middle sized plant.
I put the Aloe plant on the back porch to plant it the next day because it was getting late. But the next day I forgot all about the plant on the porch. I was getting ready to go on a vacation.
I went on my vacation for a month. I was having a great time ? but not my Aloe plant at home.
When I came back the plant was still laying there on the porch waiting. It had a sad brown color. I planted the Aloe plant in the garden.
After a week you would not believe how that plant looked. It was green and growing and had forgotten all about the four weeks suffering.
So the bottom line is ...
... Aloe Vera plants grow easy and are very drought resistant and it is important to grow the Aloe Vera plants organically.
Who knows something about organic gardening?
If you don't have a clue how to do organic gardening, Check this out!
WARNING ? If Aloe Vera is over watered the roots will rot.
You can easily plant Aloe Vera from Baby plants or offsets from a mature plant. Aloe Vera can be planted through seeds too.
There are about 300 different Aloe Vera species but most commonly used is the variety ?Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller? belonging to the lily family.
Do you know why Aloe Vera has this name?
The name originates from the naturalist Miller that found Aloe Vera on the small island of Barbados in the Antilles. He thought, it to be a native plant of the island, therefore the scientific name ?Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller?.
The Aloe plant originated from Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Today it is widely cultivated in California, Texas, Mexico, India, and coastal Venezuela. It is also a popular house plant.
You probably know that the Aloe plant is very sensitive to cold weather ...
... That?s because it consists of 95% water. The Aloe Vera leaves are full of juicy tissues which are full of vitality and freshness. And that?s why its habitat is in warm and dry regions.
The Aloe Vera family is a large one and belongs to a larger class of plants, known as the ?succulent?.
They are called succulent because they possess the ability to close their stomata completely to avoid loss of water.
In the inside of the leaf, which is protected by a tough cuticle, the gel type of pulp is present. The gel carries the valuable nutrients in a meaty like substance.
The Aloe Vera plant has a special chemical make-up which closes wounds almost immediately. The wounds, that the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant receive, close and heal with almost miraculous rapidity and the plant just keeps on growing.
But remember ...
... it has to be organically grown Aloe Vera.
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