Aloe Vera - From Plant to Health Product

I know this blog has been terribly neglected for a while. But I'm back with all kinds of Aloe goodness for you.

I recently found this amazing video online showing how the Aloe Vera plant is processed into Aloe products.

process aloe vera plant into aloe products
Pure Aloe Vera plant pulp being processed for use in Aloe Vera products

The video shows how Carrington Laboratories, the global leader in Aloe Vera research and manufacturing, processes their Aloe Vera from Costa Rica for use in Aloe products, such as their popular Manpol® powder. The fascinating video starts with the Aloe plant being harvested from the farm and shows the entire process through to the end resulting in manufacturing of finished products such as Aloe beverages and Aloe Vera gel (including their own Acemannan Hydrogel™).
"Carrington is the only company that utilizes a medicinal-grade ethanol and water solution to preserve the polymeric mucilaginous polysaccharides from Aloe in their freshest and most active state. Carrington’s process never utilizes heat, enzymes nor charcoal filtration systems that destroy the plant’s properties. In addition, Carrington’s facilities are vertically-integrated from the nursery of pup plants to the manufacturing of finished products such as functional beverages, gels and creams."
Labels: acemannan, aloe vera, aloe vera drinks, aloe vera nutritional supplement, aloe vera plant

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