Chronic Constipation is a serious problem for many people but they will not benefit by drinking Aloe Vera juice if daily diet habits are not adequate.
What is the normal bowel movement habit?
The holistic alternative health definition is:
"If we eat daily, we have daily bowel movements."
Everybody knows, food that is not properly stored, will spoil in 2 to 3 days. And spoil food is poisonous.
Food that we eat requires about 48 hours making a normal pass through the gut. So everyday the food that was eaten two days ago has to be eliminated ? to avoid spoilage.
Long overdue elimination will produce petrified, stinky, slimy and poisonous stool. These are abnormal conditions which are bound to poison the body, also called "auto-intoxication".
To clean your body is simple -> DRINK Aloe Vera juice. If you need a way to prepare your own Aloe Vera Remedy -> Check this out.
A normal stool has a low density which is maintained with a good quantity of fiber in the daily diet. If it has a sufficient amount of fiber, the stool will float in the toilet.
Another important factor is that the stool has to have a consistent form when eliminated. That means a consistency like a sausage. Any condition that does not maintain this consistency is either consequence of constipation or diarrhea. And one condition is not better than the other...
...they both have a toxic and irritating effect on the intestines.
In order to get control over constipation, a number of key factors have to be considered:
? We have to be careful, that we do not overload our liver with excessive fats. We absolutely have to eliminate all trans-fats from our diet.
? We have to drink sufficient amount of pure water in order to allow the liver to produce a good quantity of bile. One important function of the bile is the natural laxative effect it has on the body.
? We have to eat enough fiber to avoid chronic constipation. This consists of vegetable and whole grain products. The natural whole grain fiber is very important in combating constipation.
? Fruit is a very important part in detoxifying the body. The natural detoxification process of the body occurs in the early morning and forenoon hours. Eating fruit with no sugar added, drinking pure water and herb teas with no sugar added will support this detoxifying process and chronic constipation is in the retreat.
? Drinking Aloe Vera juice daily is important in maintaining a healthy digestive system and also detoxifying the body.
Just imagine...having the "know how" to make your own homeremedies with one Aloe Vera plant...
... The money you could save on medication and cosmetic's...
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