When transplanting Aloe Vera there are several factors to keep in mind - you do wan't organic Aloe Vera, right?
How can you have an organic garden?
There is a difference transplanting a mature plant or baby plants.
The leaves are in a rosette form around the trunk in circulating rows, in the centre of the plant the new leaves grow upward, and as they increase in size, they fold outward to give the plant an upside down umbrella appearance.
The mature Aloe Vera plant produces around its trunk a lot of baby plants, the so-called suckers.
These baby plants are separated from the mature plant and are used to plant Aloe Vera. The baby Aloe Vera plants are easy to handle like shipping.
My advice is to plant them in little planters and after they take root, transplant them permanently.
This could take from 4 to 6 weeks.
The Aloe Vera plant easily gets a diameter of 60 cm. This should be considered when planting Aloe Vera to avoid the plants get too crowded when they get bigger.
My advice is to have one plant per square meter.

? They should not be planted in to hot, direct sunshine.
? It takes about 4 to 6 weeks for a baby plant to take root.
? After planting, water it and wait about 2 weeks before watering again.
? It is best to transplant the baby plants when they are 10 to 15 cm high.
? Don?t plant them to shallow, a little deeper ensures a stronger root system.

When transplanting mature Aloe Vera plants, consider:
? Mature Aloe Vera plants love bright sunlight.
? The soil should be moderately fertile and fast draining.
? When you plant in a pot, be sure to have enough drainage holes.
? Don?t wet the plant when you water it.

When transplanting Aloe Vera from the shade, it is best to provide semi shade until the plant is accustomed to the sunshine.
Transplanting Aloe Vera plants from the shade into direct sunshine will get a ?suntan? and the plants leafes will turn brown.
And don't forget to plant your Aloe Vera organically.
Find out how.
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