Aloe Vera - The Search is On!

Wow! Now I'm not a big techie or anything. As a matter of fact this blog is my first attempt at anything remotely technical. A friend of mine helped to set up this blog for me to get the word out about my passion for all things Aloe Vera.

While I was surfing around the web checking out some of my favorite Aloe Vera resources I found a site that made it's own search engine for Aloe Vera. Cool. I guess this is some Google thing that people with websites can make their own search engines for whatever they want to search. The cool thing is that it returns all relevant Aloe Vera related results. No spammy, ad-cramped sites. Just the real stuff!

Since I love Aloe, I've added the new Aloe Vera Search Engine to my blog. You can search all things Aloe Vera from the Google search box to the right.

Do it...Check it out...Use it...Love it. Labels: aloe, aloe vera, Aloe vera search engine

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