The purest form of Aloe Vera is the extract of the plants leafs out of your own garden.
An organically grown Aloe Vera plant guarantees the most purest form of Aloe Vera.
Processed Aloe Vera has additives and can not be considered as the most pure form.
Normally the Aloe Vera plant consists of 95% water. So you can never know how much water it contains if it comes from an over irrigated field.
What happens in the stabilizing process, we have to rely on the information that is on the label. If water is the first ingredient, we know that the Aloe Vera is not in its pure form. The purity of an Aloe Vera product can be determined only by knowing its origin and by the results you get when you use the product.
There is a big difference where Aloe Vera is planted. If Aloe Vera is planted in a clean environment that is chemical free and the soil rich in organic nutrients is always the best choice. Aloe Vera that is planted in soil with very little organic matter, fed with chemical fertilizer and over watered ...
... is always a bad choice.
If you plant Aloe Vera, be sure to plant it organically. If you need information on how to grow something organic - Click Here.
The Aloe Vera plant has only those minerals which it can absorb from the soil.
So reading the labels fine print is very important, if you are buying an Aloe Vera product. If no water is added to the Aloe Vera juice that is listed in the list of ingredients ...
... than you have a great product.
I recommend to research, who provides the company with Aloe Vera and what planting methods are used. If the provider is an organic farmer ...
... this can assure you are getting the purest form of Aloe Vera.

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