Jun 24, Growing Aloe plant Indoors

aloe vera in pot indoors

Growing Aloe plant indoors requires a planter and well-drained potting soil. Mixing the soil with some gravel will guarantee a good drainage.

Aloe Vera needs enough light, so be sure to put it in a well illuminated spot.

If you don't have a sunny spot - a special plant light could be used.

Because of their popularity, Aloe Vera plants are available at almost every garden shop or nursery.

Unless you live in an area with a very mild climate...

...it is best growing an Aloe plant indoors in a pot. Place it near a window that gets a lot of sun. You can move the pot outdoors during the summer months.

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant, and as such, stores a large quantity of water within its leaves and root system. Don?t wet the Aloe Vera plant when you water the plant, because this causes the leaves and roots to rot.

During the winter months, the plant will become dormant, and utilizes very little moisture. During this period watering should be minimal. Allow the soil to become completely dry before giving the plant a cup or two of water.

Aloe Vera has a shallow, spreading root system, so when it is time to repot choose a wide planter, rather than a deep one. Also use a clay pot, rather than plastic one. Use a planter with a drainage hole to ensure adequate drainage. Just imagine...

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 aloe vera

aloe vera pot Growing Aloe plant indoors has its positive side. You can control the development of the Aloe Vera plant closely.

Any pests can be detected immediately when growing Aloe Vera plants indoors.

In ancient times it was believed that the presence of an Aloe Vera plant kept the bad spirits away.

In Mesopotamia, the inhabitants decorated their doors with Aloe Vera leafes for protection.

If you consider planting Aloe Vera, be sure to plant it "organic". If you need information about organic gardening - Click Here.

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